Channel: Dating advice for men & women » Flirtatious questions for Men
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Platonic relationships are possible for the married man

My Question: I’m not even the type of man who plays women normally so this stirs emotional content within me. They all happen to be very good looking, smart, have a great sense of humor and have...

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How to look at a girl so as to convey her that you’re interested in her?

My Question: Relationship lasted only few months but it changed everything for me. I am so used to being on my own. My first girlfriend opened me up to being more confident in myself, and more open to...

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Attracted to a woman: how do i change the type of women i am attracted to?

My Question: There is a woman at work that I am extremely attracted to. I always try to stick to the hard and fast rule to not get involved with people you work with but there is something about her...

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How do you progress a relationship from friendship to dating?

My Question: I’ve grown attracted to a man who looks at me as a friend. We know each other for some time and we have grown to be quite good friends. After couple of months of hanging out and getting to...

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When You Fall in Love do You Feel Attracted to a Person Physically?

My Question: I have been married for 20 years. On a workplace I got immediately attracted to an adorable woman who’s much younger then me. The problem is that she will stop by all the other guys and...

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Attracting Girls: Some Good Conversation Topics

My Question: I find it so hard to introduce men. I go out all the time, but I always feel out of place. I’ve felt like I just don’t fit in anywhere. When I do get introduced to a man, I always feel...

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How To Talk To Girls Without Awkward Silence?

My Question: I still have never been in a serious relationship. My last relationship ended without any serious emotional involvement from a boyfriend so I got really depressed. I am way too shy to...

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Relationship advice: commit to or attempt any relationship in the workplace?

Question: I got passionately interested in a woman who’s my superior at work. She compliments me everyday and looks more then just kind paying attention to my words opinions bound a colleague should...

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The man’s feelings in love are opposite to that of woman but complementary

Question: My friend and me like the same girl. I asked her if she would like to take a step back and hang out and get to know each other more and she said give me time I get jealous, she’s giving mixed...

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Do men and women feel the same feelings of love?

Question: I got attracted to a woman who doesn’t have same feelings for me. We really intimate friends for years but never got it into relationship. The only obvious concern is if our friendship will...

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